Why ADHD Education Is So Important

For the first few years after my diagnosis, I did very little in terms of managing it. I took my medication, and that was pretty much it. However, when I started noticing I was still struggling, I began to do some more research. Learning about ADHD quickly became a favorite activity. I now love learning more about how my brain works. I hope this will inspire you to go out there and learn all you can. To me, this is crucial for proper ADHD management.

ADHD Is Fascinating

The brain is a marvelous creation. It has many interesting workings. Learning about the brain excites me, but I get even more excited to learn about the ADHD brain. While the neurotypical brain is fascinating in its own right, the ADHD brain is on a whole other level. It is so unique, and I cannot learn enough about it.

This is one of the reasons I attend the International Conference on ADHD every year. I love learning about ADHD, how people think about it, and what can be done to harness the powerful machine that is the ADHD brain. I hope to see you in Dallas next month (November 2022)!

ADHD Is More Complicated Than It Might Seem

If you look up ADHD, you might just assume it is just kids who can’t focus and are hyper. It is not! Inattention and hyperactivity are just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more to it. Emotional regulation, impulsivity, comorbid conditions, and others often accompany ADHD.

There Is a Lot of Misinformation out There

There is a lot of bad information out there on ADHD. Doing your own research can cut through the stereotypes and downright lies about ADHD. It is vastly misunderstood, and it behooves you to find quality information on the subject.

You Cannot Tame What You Do Not Know

One of the things I like to tell people to do when they first get diagnosed with ADHD is to research ADHD. This is a crucial step in navigating the waters of ADHD. You cannot successfully tame a condition you know nothing about. Therefore, I say to you: RESEARCH!

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I Think. Therefore, I Can