What to Decide
In May of 2018, I was trying to decide what to do with my life. I knew I needed a career and that substitute teaching was not it. I hated being a substitute teacher, so I decided it was time to move on. However, I could not decide on what I wanted for a career. I had thought a couple of times about being an ADHD coach, but I was too afraid to take the plunge. Then, I did something that made my path clear. I applied to be a proofreader at a label-making company. Soon after applying, they scheduled an interview with me.
Something was not right, though. I found myself sitting in my home office a few days before the interview filled with anxiety, and suddenly it dawned on me that being a proofreader at a label-making company would be terrible and boring. I called the company and canceled my job interview. One of the next things I did was sign up for training at ADD Coach Academy.
The Moral of the Above Story
In my story of choosing to become an ADHD coach, I was faced with the choice of becoming a proofreader at a label-making company or taking a risk to become an ADHD coach. I asked myself if I really wanted to be a proofreader. The answer was no. When I really thought about it, the idea of proofreading labels was awful. In fact, every time I have told this story to someone else, the response to “I had an interview scheduled to become a proofreader at a label-making company” was always the same: “OOF!” No one hasher disagreed with my decision to not go to the interview at the label-making company. I chose something that I was passionate about, something that inspired me. To borrow a phrase from Marie Kondo, the prospect of becoming a proofreader at a label-making company “did not spark joy.” I made the decision that would bring me more joy.
Those of us with ADHD can struggle with making decisions. It is hard to know what to decide. However, if we think about what would spark joy, the decision becomes clear. If you cannot decide, pick the one that is the most exciting to you.