Unlocking the Secrets to a Lasting Fitness Journey

About a year ago, I wrote about a new exercise journey I had begun. It was an online personal training program. I had a trainer who would send me workouts over an app. For most of the year, I stuck with it. However, after not seeing much in terms of gains, I lost motivation, and not too long ago, I quit altogether. This left me without an exercise plan. I spent maybe a week or two wondering what was next for me and exercising. Then, I signed up for a week-long trial of a dojo. I am now enrolled in jujitsu classes.

I have identified three aspects of signing up for jujitsu that work towards making me stick with this exercise plan. It will be interesting to see if I do, in fact, stick with it.


In the 7th grade, a friend convinced me to try wrestling. To my surprise, I enjoyed it and did it 7th, 8th, and 9th grades. After that, I quit organized sports for the theater. I have often wondered how good I could have gotten at wrestling had I not quit. If it hadn’t been for the busy weekends, the early morning workouts, and the conflict with theater, I might have stuck with it. I genuinely enjoyed the sport and had fun wrestling.

As longtime readers of this blog are aware, I hate exercise and need it to be really fun for me to be motivated enough to do it. I was in the best shape of my life during the 9th grade wrestling season. I was able to wrestle, have fun, and be in shape. I have not recaptured that magic since.

I am hoping getting involved with a martial arts program will help me enjoy working out again. The physical activity is secondary if you are enjoying what you are doing. Granted, right now, I am just learning what the forms and positions are. The real workouts will come once I can start doing more. Still, though, I am enjoying it so far, which means there’s a chance I will stick with it.


The other aspect that helps with exercise is having someone with whom to do it. Exercising alone is a recipe for disaster. No one holds you accountable. The problem I had with a virtual trainer was it was easy for me to ghost him. I could just ignore his messages about missing workouts. In short, it was easier to skip working out than it was to actually do the workouts.

My jujitsu class has a scheduled time and a check-in system. There are other people in the class. I am not alone. I am working out with others, and I feel that will help me progress and stick with it.


The last aspect of exercise commitment I want to discuss today is the financial commitment. I am paying for the jujitsu classes. That incentivizes me to go. I was paying for my online personal training, but it was out of sight out of mind. The jujitsu classes are in my city. I often drive by the dojo. It is a reminder of the money I am spending.

I do not believe the financial investment will be a key motivating factor for me, but I do know other people for whom it is a motivating factor. The point is: Find a combination of the above three factors to help you achieve an exercise plan that works for you.

Let’s work together to create the best workout regimen for YOU.


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