Letting Go of Perfectionism
ADHDers are prone to perfectionism. This can wreck our productivity. We sometimes feel we need everything to be just right before we can begin a project, or on the flip side, we keep working on a project until it is perfect, meaning it never gets done. So, if we need to get something done and we notice perfectionism getting in the way, what can be done? There are several mindset shifts that can help us let go of perfectionism.
Good Is Good Enough
One thing we need to tell ourselves is that good is good enough. It can be difficult to accept this idea, but it can be done. The idea is to satisfy, not maximize. What is really acceptable? Can your house be spotless in the kitchen, but a little messy in the basement? There are levels of imperfection that are acceptable.
Imperfection Is Beautiful
Imperfections are beautiful. Finding the uniqueness in something is exciting. Quirks are what makes someone or something truly who or what they are. Find the imperfections in life, and cherish them.
“People call these things imperfections, but they’re not, aw that’s the good stuff.”
Failure Is a Learning Experience
When things do not go as planned, we can learn from them. Some may view this as a failure, but others, those who have a growth mindset, can learn from what did not go as planned. This is a key mindset shift. If we can move from the fixed mindset to a growth mindset, perfectionism will go away, and we can embrace the imperfections of day to day life.
Life Isn’t Perfect
There is nothing perfect about life. Everything has flaws. If we embrace this idea, we can accept life as it is and be happier.
“Some days, doing ‘the best we can’ may still fall short of what we would like to be able to do, but life isn’t perfect on any front-and doing what we can with what we have is the most we should expect of ourselves or anyone else.”