Spirituality is an important part of life for many with ADHD. However, praying when you have ADHD can be difficult. Distractions are quite frequent for the ADHDer who prays. This does not mean one should give up on prayer. It simply means one must come up with unique strategies for entering into prayer. Here are 10 tips for praying with ADHD.

1.) Location, Location, Location

Where you pray can make a big impact on how well you focus. Praying in a stadium full of people during a game? Probably not a good idea. Praying in a quiet space with lots of beautiful imagery? Better.

2.) The Elvis Principle

A song by Elvis Presley begins, “Wise men say, ‘Only fools rush in.’” What we can learn from this is easing into prayer. Maybe do some deep breathing or something similar to ease your way into a prayerful mindset.

3.) Be “SENSE”-ible

How many sense can you get involved while praying? Use as many as possible to get you into a prayerful state. For example, to get your sense of smell involved, light a scented candle that you only light when praying. How can you get your senses involved in your prayer life?

4.) Get Moving

It is a common misconception that you have to be still to pray. Many people pray while they workout. Take a “prayer walk” or do something to get your body moving while you pray.

5.) Switch It Up

Sometimes, our prayer routines get stale and can benefit from a change. If you are doing the same thing you have always been doing but don’t feel like you used to feel while praying, it may be time for a different method of prayer.

6.) Pray as You Can, Not as You Think You Ought

It is very tempting to think you have to have these long, elegant prayer sessions in order to be holy. That is not true. Prayer is an area of growth. Start small and build from there. Pray as you can, not as you see others doing. Comparison is a trap. Do not try to be like anyone else. Your prayer life should be as unique as you are.

7.) The Burger King Principle

Burger King used to have a slogan that went, “Have it your way.” This can apply to prayer. Often you will get people saying that everyone should pray like this or use a specific type of prayer. Take what is useful from those suggestions, and discard the rest. You need to pray your way.

8.) No Sleep, No Prayer; Know Sleep, Know Prayer

Sleep is crazy important. If you are depriving yourself of sleep, you will struggle to focus on all aspects of life, including your spiritual life.

9.) Use Your WORD

Pray with your sacred text. For Muslims, that means meditating on the Qur'an. For Christians, that means meditating on the Bible. Regardless of your religious beliefs, a good practice for praying with sacred texts is Lectio Divina.

10.) Forgive Thyself

Forgive yourself when you catch yourself being distracted. It happens. If God wanted you to focus 100% while praying, He could have ensured that you would. Yet, He allows distraction in prayer. Be kind to yourself, and forgive yourself when distractions come.

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