Thriving with ADHD: Unleashing the Joy of Dog Ownership

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Dog ownership can seem like a daunting challenge for those of us with ADHD. Having a living, breathing creature depending on you is a lot of responsibility. Dog ownership is scary but highly rewarding. So, what can those with ADHD do to ensure they are the best dog owner they can be? Read below to find out!


Dogs need routine. It helps with potty training and becoming a good boy/girl. By establishing a routine for your dog, you are ensuring you are cleaning up minimal potty stains off of your floor and avoiding other problem behaviors. Establishing a routine sounds difficult for those of us with ADHD, but having an animal around helps you get into a routine. It can be easy to just say, “Eh, I’ll do that later.” However, dogs can be insistent when they want something. When they need to go potty, a dog will whine at the door or ring a bell if they have been trained to do so. Moreover, when dogs get hungry, they can get restless and demand you feed them. They know when supper time is and will ask for food at that time. Some even go as far as to grab their bowl and bring it to you. All of this helps both of you establish a routine. In short, you can work together to get a routine going. The added benefit of routine is that it helps you manage your ADHD.


Classes are a great way to ensure you get in training. By having the accountability of a class, you ensure that at least once per week you will be working on commands and control with your dog. There is also the added pressure of wanting to make sure you look good in class, so you work on training outside of class. Other structures can be put in place when trying to make sure you establish a well-behaved dog, but training classes are a big one. As we with ADHD know, structure is important to help keep those of us with ADHD on track.

Listening to Your Dog

You also need to listen to your dog. I am not just talking about listening with your ears. Yes, a dog will bark when something is not right, but there are other ways your dog speaks to you. If they are not acting like their normal self, something may be wrong. By getting to know your dog and their behaviors, you can create better communication with and understanding of who your dog is and what they need.


Lastly, show your dog some love. It can be easy when one has ADHD to let our emotions get the better of us. However, when we are angry with our dog for misbehaving, it is important that, when things have calmed down, we remind them they are a good dog. Show them some love. They will in turn show you love. The best thing you can do for a dog is show them love. They will appreciate you for it.

In Conclusion

So, if you think ADHD would make you a bad pet owner, think again! Dog ownership can make you a better human and enrich your life. Therefore, get that dog you have always wanted, and watch the two of you improve one another.


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