5 Tips for Introverted ADHDers

Contrary to popular belief, you can be introverted and have ADHD. According to a 2017 study, 58% of the 117 individuals with ADHD studied were found to be introverts. This might be shocking to some, but it is true. Introverts can have ADHD.

If you are reading this and are an introvert with diagnosed or suspected ADHD, this blog post is for you! Here are some tips to help you live a more fulfilling life.

1.) Advocate for Yourself

Stand up for your needs. This can be daunting for us introverts. Speaking up is not something we prefer to do. Introverts are more likely to be listeners than talkers, but if you do not stand up for what you need, your needs might go unmet.

Moreover, introverts do not fit the stereotype of ADHD. This can make it hard to get a diagnosis of ADHD. This is troubling but true. One way to ensure you get your needs met is to advocate for yourself and make sure you are heard throughout your diagnosis process.

2.) Find Others Like You

This one sounds scary for your average introvert. However, connecting with other ADHDers helps. Having that community helps you feel not alone. It can be terribly isolating to have ADHD, but there are others out there with whom you have much in common. Take the time to find a support group or another community of ADHDers.

3.) Take Time to Recharge

Yes, connecting with others is necessary, but taking the time to recharge is also beneficial. If you are an introvert, you need time alone to recharge. Do not feel guilty about taking necessary alone time. It is a necessity for you. It should be part of your self-care routine.

4.) Don’t Go to Extremes

#2 and #3 in this list are great suggestions when practiced in moderation. However, too much of one or the other will not be good. Spending too much time with others will drain you, and spending too much time alone will make you feel alone and isolated and not in a good way.

5.) Find a Professional Who Understands Your Unique Needs

Finding the right professionals to help you manage your ADHD is key. Not all doctors, therapists, coaches, etc. are perfect. Some will not understand your unique needs. However, the right professional can be of tremendous help. If you are looking for a coach who is an introvert, Reset ADHD has you covered.

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