One of the most popular productivity tips bandied about the internet, self-help books, and seminars is: Do the hardest thing you have to do right away in the morning. Doing that big gruesome thing is supposed to help you be more productive throughout the day. This is great advice……for neurotypicals. However, the ADHD brain does not work the same way as neurotypicals. The ADHD brain needs to do things in a way that supports their brain and does not fight against it. So, for those of you with ADHD brains I give you this productivity tip: DO THE FUN THING FIRST!

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Do NOT Apologize for These 8 Things

How often do you say you're sorry? It is important to apologize when we have wronged someone, but sometimes, we can over-apologize. That places others’ needs ahead of your own. If we continuously sacrifice our needs for the desires of others, we do ourselves a huge disservice. Here are a few things for which you definitely should not apologize.

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Advice, Coaching, Exercise, Medication, Productivity, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Coaching, Exercise, Medication, Productivity, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

Is My ADHD Treatment Plan Working?

One thing that I have always struggled with is: What is normal? What is it like to not have ADHD? I am always going to have some level of distractibility. Even non-ADHDers do. So, where should I be? When it comes to treating and managing ADHD, am I where I should be? Do I need to be doing more? Do I need to up the dosage of my medication? Do I need to switch medications? Do I need more coping skills? Do I have non-ADHD issues getting in the way of managing my ADHD?

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The Secret to Time Management

Everybody always shares the same old advice for time management. The three big ones are: Plan on more time than you think you need (approximately 1.5–2 times as much time as you think you need) to do a task, aim to be 15–30 minutes early for everything, and use timers/alarms/planners. You’d think after years of people saying these things that everyone would be so much better at time management, but they are not.

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Information, Rants, Stories Evelyn Gallagher Information, Rants, Stories Evelyn Gallagher

If Humans Do It, ADHD Affects It Part II

The struggles an ADHDer faces on a daily basis can take a toll on their mental health. When you mess up as much as an ADHDer does, you start to believe the negative messages you hear both from internal and external sources. This is especially relevant if the ADHD diagnosis does not happen early in childhood. The longer one goes without an ADHD diagnosis, the more one wonders, “What is wrong with me? I must lazy and/or dumb.”

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Fun, Information, Personality, Relationships Evelyn Gallagher Fun, Information, Personality, Relationships Evelyn Gallagher

Things I'm Going to Have to Explain to My Future Wife

Life with an ADHDer is not always easy, but it is rarely boring. I was reflecting recently about all of the ADHD things I do that will one affect my future wife. I have compiled this list in the hopes that it might inspire you to warn your future spouse about life with you. If you are already married, feel free to enjoy the craziness that follows.

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Advice, Information, Sleep, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Information, Sleep, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

12 Benefits of Sleep ADHDers NEED

I recently read (okay, listened to the audiobook of) Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by renowned sleep researcher Matthew Walker, PhD. IT. BLEW. MY. MIND. Sleep is crazy important. Because I read that book (okay, listened to that audiobook), I made several changes to my life. My sleep schedule is now quite strict, and I bought a new bed to ensure maximum comfort. In short, I learned that, if you don’t get eight hours of sleep every night, you’re basically screwed.

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Advice, Humor, Inspiration, Movies, Positivity, Stories, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Humor, Inspiration, Movies, Positivity, Stories, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

What ADHDers Can Learn from The Princess Bride

The cult classic The Princess Bride is one of the greatest films of all time. I will not take any arguments on that point. “Anyone who tells you differently is selling something,” as Wesley says. Not only is this movie hilarious, but it also teaches us some lessons I think are particularly relevant for those of us with ADHD.

Yes, there are spoilers in this post, so if you haven’t seen The Princess Bride, GO WATCH IT NOW. Then, come back and read this.

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It Is Okay to Ask for Help!

Our culture places individual achievement on a high pedestal. Those one-man armies are revered for their accomplishments, but oftentimes, what you do not hear about is all of those who have helped those people get where they are. The phrase “no man is an island” is old but still very much true.

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Let's Play!

Who wants to go through life with every day being a grind? No one! Who wants any part of life to be a grind? No one! So, why, then, do we do things we find to be a grind? Because we let the things we do become a grind. Everyone has things in their life that are a grind. However, we do not simply have to accept these things as a grind. We can find a way to gamify these tasks and make them fun.

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What ADHDers Can Learn from Good Will Hunting

One of my favorite movies is Good Will Hunting. It is a movie I first watched during a difficult time in my life, and it is one I return to in times of great trial or transition. I feel there are many life lessons that can be learned from this movie, and I especially feel that ADHDers can learn from this film. If you have not seen it, I recommend you watch it because it is a good movie and this blog post will make more sense if you have seen it.

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Advice, Encouragement, Positivity, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Encouragement, Positivity, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

Escaping the Shame of ADHD

When you have ADHD, it is easy to feel bad about yourself. You hear a lot of corrective and critical statements. After hearing enough of those, you begin to internalize them. You begin to feel like you are not enough, and shame creeps into your life.

However, it is important to break free from this pattern of self-shaming. You are not broken. You are who you were created to be. I know it can be easy to feel shame about having ADHD, but you need to fight that temptation. Here are a few suggestions to break free of the shame.

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New Year's Resolution? Why Wait?

Every year, millions of people stay up until midnight on the night of December 31 to ring in the new year. I have never understood this. I find this quite arbitrary. Prior to midnight, we write "2018" on our checks, and after midnight, we write "2019." If we are celebrating the changing of one element on our calendars, then why are we not doing this every month or every day? One could argue that we celebrate because we only change the year once every 365 days, but if we are simply celebrating the novelty of the changing of the date, it would make more sense to celebrate a new decade.

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Advice, Encouragement, Positivity, Stories, Strategies, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher Advice, Encouragement, Positivity, Stories, Strategies, Tips, Wisdom Evelyn Gallagher

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

We all have stories about our lives. There are good stories and bad stories. But, what determines whether or not a story is good or bad? We do. We have the choice to make a story good or bad. The stories in our past that we view as negative, perhaps, just need to be seen in a different light.

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